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[SBS Star] Zo In Sung Becomes an Ambassador for Seoul Songpa Police Station!

[SBS Star] Zo In Sung Becomes an Ambassador for Seoul Songpa Police Station!
Actor Zo In Sung made a promise that he would be a bridge connecting the citizens and the police.

On October 19, Songpa Police Station (Seoul) announced, "We appointed Zo In Sung because he has been doing a splendid job making our city a better place to live as a local resident who cares about his neighborhood."
Zo In Sung
A relevant source explained, "We thought that Zo In Sung could be a great mediator between the city and our precinct and help us to encourage civilian's participation in our activity by taking part in projects such as protecting our community and crime prevention."

Zo In Sung was able to get a taste of aforementioned by patrolling the Garak-dong park and its vicinity as requested with the help of the captain and the officers of Songpa Police Station.

After he was done patrolling, Zo In Sung participated in multiple promotional activities to raise awareness towards the policies of Songpa Police Station by filming a promotional video that endorses the slogan 'We are the citizen, and the citizen is us.'
Zo In Sung
Ahn Jong-ik, the captain of the Songpa Police Station commented, "We expect many great things from Zo In Sung since he is one of the most beloved actors in Korea. For the safety and the happiness of the local residents of Songpa, please do your best to make our slogan "Safe Songpa, Happy Residents." a reality.'
Zo In Sung
Zo In Sung said, "This job provided me a valuable opportunity to reconsider the concept of happiness. It occurred to me that unless we can guarantee the safety and happiness of our own community, we can't make our nation a better society."

He added, "I'm so grateful that I could be a part of this. I'll endeavor to achieve those goals and be that friendly bridge that could connect the city and Songpa Police Station."

Meanwhile, Zo In Sung's latest film 'THE GREAT BATTLE' was released on September 19, and it has attracted more than 5,300,000 moviegoers so far.

(Kang Eunbee, Credit= SBS funE, Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency)

(SBS Star)    
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